Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hello blog!

After much delay (and procrastination), I finally get to start writing up my first ever blogpost! Technically, this isn't my first blog. I used to have one which was all mellow/emo/angsty and consisted only of disappointments, heartbreaks and more heartbreaks. It is not like my life used to suck so bad but I only chose to blog only when I needed to channel away all the negative vibes. So my old blog functioned more like a pit for me to bury away millions of shattered pieces of my heart ( recognise the depressing tone in this sentence? this was exactly how I used to blog! 'when would this darkness end' and 'where would it lead me to' all that). I really have to shut it down because I am just too embarrassed to let anyone read that.

 In case you are wondering that this new blog is a substitute for my old dark pit, you are wrong! Well.. you see, this whole blogging trend is kind of fading away. We now have plenty other social platforms that completely took over blogs. People who stayed are those who are already famous in the blogosphere, who are seeking a breakthrough in this industry ( which is admittedly getting harder than it used to due to increasing competitions as the number of people falling under this category is skyrocket. only first-class content or exceptionally great look,sometimes both, can take you that far honey) and lastly those who genuinely loves writing. Anyway, I belong to neither of these categories. This year and also the past year have been sort of life-changing. Not only that I learnt it the hard way that life does not always work the way that I always wanted, my skin condition has also deteriorated so greatly to the point that it is almost life-changing. Well exaggerated a bit on the skin part but it is really the most dreadful thing that could happen to someone as vain as me. It is this kind of 'misfortune' that truly ignited my enthusiasm, on a full turbo, on finding a solution to get rid of the acne once and for all! I love doing point forms which I wasn't allowed to in the university, thanks to the rigid legal essay formats but I am all free to this now! The 3 main reasons that I start up this blog is:

1) To share
I don't always do the best research but I must say that I am a very dedicated 'googled'. I always intend to get to the root of everything I am interested in. I really hope to make my blogposts as informative as it could . Truly wish that my writings could help those who are also facing the same problems and at the same time looking for solutions. By that I mean : combating acne, achieving great skin, getting those neat abs, readjustments on lifestyles and other non life threatening but equally important issues! I mean staying pretty is a lifetime business, isn't it?

2) To record
Wouldn't want all these efforts on late night googlings, reading scientific reports which made no sense, reading enjoyable blogposts which made much more sense, turning myself into a lab hamster etc... to go into waste, would I? Plus, all of my friends have been encouraging me to share everything I know on blog! Imagine how much I have pestered them about these seemingly 'valuable' tips. For the longest time that I only have these topics in my pockets every time I hang out with people. Really hope that it didn't get too annoying haha.

3) To improve

I could use some brushing up on my English language skills given that I don't really get to use it in my daily life, for now. So I figure that I can start training by putting my thoughts into words! I am currently on a gap year and I need to start prepping for the legendary BPTC course next September. How I miss the sexy English accents and most of all, the wide array of selections for groceries!! I had never appreciated that throughout my 3 years stay in the UK, not until I start eating clean, which started only just recently. I am up for anyone to correct my grammar or incorrect vocabulary use. The whole point is to improve, right? Not just the English, but also myself, as a whole. So this goes back to the second point of recording the whole journey. Am hoping that one day when I have finally became this better version of myself, I could look back at how I had struggled in achieving that. :)

So I guess that's everything for today! Rather bland post with no pictures aye? Fret not! The next post will consist of many pictures of shiny foreheads and amazing red bumps. Stay tuned :D